One of my key accomplishments this week was the determination of the series name for In The Image of Man and the following books. As you can probably guess from the blog title, the series name is Unseen Dominion. One of the reasons, I felt it would be important to get a series name is to be able to promote Image as part of a series. This will help assure readers that their time investment getting to know the characters of Arrow Springs in Book One will reap future rewards as well. So, I spent some time this week updating the book descriptions and the book cover (as seen in this image) to reflect In The Image of Man as an Unseen Dominion novel.
The second, and even more necessary, activity this week included significant editing of both the e-book and physical edition of In The Image of Man to clean up many items that you, my great readers, have pointed out. If you've already read the book, fear not, none of the fixes change the storylines of the book. However, given the focus of Hearts of Compassion Publishing on providing "high quality" books while allowing the maximum impact for those in need, I felt it was important to clean up the issues in an effort to help the book match the quality of a professionally edited book. I will be the first to admit that I am learning the crafts of writing, promoting, and yes editing, thus everything won't be perfect the first time around.
As a result of these new edits, the physical book will be unavailable for purchase until later in the week. However, the e-book is already available with all the improvements. If you've already purchased the e-book and would like to receive the new and improved version, you'll need to contact Amazon's support chat and request that they push the new version to you.
Aside from proofing the physical copy for any issues, this week will be back to writing Book Two of Unseen Dominion.
'Til next time!