In our first year, nine months actually, we have been able to publish our first book, In The Image of Man, and raise enough royalties to provide clean drinking water to over one-hundred people, or over twenty-five families, around the world who were in desperate need of clean water. This means less disease, water-born illness, and violence. As well as, more time in school instead of carrying water, greater security, and the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus in the process.
I don't know what God has in store for the coming year(s). Please join me in praying this is just the tip of the iceberg, and that thousands of people can be helped through this simple ministry concept. The first draft of the second book in the Unseen Dominion series is rounding into shape. It is my hope and prayer that as one writer friend told me, "the best contributor to sales of a book is the next book." I am working hard to have the sequel to In The Image out the first half of 2015.
Thank you again for your support and encouragement. Please continue to help me spread the word. Your recommendations, Amazon reviews and ratings, tweets, and Goodreads reviews and ratings all help in growing awareness, both of the book but more importantly of its mission.
'Till next year!