For roughly eight months, I've been writing the sequel to my first release, In The Image of Man. If you've read the first book, this one follows young Ima Fredericks as she flees CeSiR Tech.
Initially, I set out to continue the story of Chris, Sarah, and all your favorites from Book One. Ima's flight was going to be the prologue. Well, the characters had different plans. In fact, Book Two, entitled Restoration's Journey, covers the week of time between when Ima exited the first story to where the first story ends. Have no fear, all the characters will be back in Book Three. I think. :)
I am excited for you to have the opportunity to meet and fall in love with this twelve year old girl. The bad news? This is only the first draft. While this first draft is not nearly as rough as my first draft of Image, there are still multiple stages of editing remaining before Journey is ready for primetime.
Unlike Image, which may have seemed to just show up one day on the electronic shelves, I promise there will be more notice and promotion of Journey. In fact, for readers of In The Image of Man who have written reviews and are interested in being a part of the process, we will be providing ARCs (Advance Reading Copy). This process helps to build excitement and anticipation, as well as getting the much influential reviews into the pipeline early in the book's release. Critical feedback from such readers will also be essential in keeping our editing costs in control, allowing us to help as many people in need as possible.
So, in the next few months, expect to see the unveiling of the cover art, more writing excerpts from the editing process, a preview excerpt, and more information on ARCs.
'Till next time!