This is a well-paced thriller with a nice blending of science and romance as well. This series comes much closer to Science Fiction than his previous series, The Bowers Files. That said, this is still a Suspense/Thriller more than any other genre. If you've read the first book of my series, you'll know that a mix of Sci-Fi and Thriller is right up my alley.
As always, his characters are believable and likable, or despicable as the case may be. There is an edge to many of the scenes, which may prove less than desirable for those who shy away from violence in their reads. This is consistent with his prior novels. So, if you've enjoyed his previous novels, you won't be disappointed with this one.
I am still trying to get used to his use of present tense for the protagonist POV in this series. That said it doesn't detract from the story, though I don't find it adds to it either, at least for me.
I am also reading Steven's book on writing, Story Trumps Structure. Interestingly, there was one section in Singularity that I felt stepped a bit too far from the flow of the story. It was a strange sensation of feeling like I'd jumped books as I read the section that seemed a bit of a soapbox for writing a good story. I'm not sure if I would have felt this quite as succinctly if I weren't reading his book on writing.
All-in-all, this is another intriguing story with a strong message from Steven.
'Till next time!