This go around, as you know if you read my last blog post, I determined to go the route of creating an Advanced Review version of my latest book and asking you, my faithful supporters, if you would be willing to be the pioneer readers of this newest story in the Unseen Dominion series. Your response was overwhelming. Many of you have agreed to be advanced readers/reviewers.
I've often pondered why it is so difficult to build a readership as a new author. With the availability of inexpensive ebooks, giveaways, and Kindle countdown deals, it is certainly not a financial issue--at least not primarily. No, the decision to take the leap and gamble on reading an unknown author is a risk of something much more valuable than a few bucks. It is a commitment to give of your most valuable and non-renewable resource--your time!
Therefore, I am greatly honored that so many have given of this valuable resource to read my stories. Then I started hearing from those of you who are reading Restoration's Journey. I am truly humbled at the encouraging and insightful feedback I have already received. And yes, my humility and gratefulness are increased in knowing that dozens of no-brainer mistakes will never be seen by the masses. As I've said before, we are all together on this journey to help those with the greatest needs. Each and every one of you who have committed your time to read, review, encourage, rate, and spread the word, have given your time to provide life-giving water to "the least of these."
Thank you!
More exciting news coming next week. Stay tuned...