Well, as the sun sets on summer, my sabbatical draws to an end. I am excited to get back at it. I have had the opportunity to read some great stories as well as some inspiring non-fiction. Through the process I have been reminded why I write. God has given me a message to share and the ability to creatively communicate that message. I was also reminded that I may never know the impact my faithfulness to this calling may bring. However, I am convinced this is what God has called me to do, and so once again I am excited to do it.
What remains now is to decide which book I will work on. There are beloved characters, whom you have met in the Unseen Dominion series, who are patiently waiting for their paths to unfold in the ways their author would direct. And trust me, there is an important final chapter remaining for them to walk out. On the other hand, there are some brand new characters in a book tentatively named Seer, who have begun a nail-biting journey with a powerful message to share.
So to you, my faithful readers, I have a question: Would you prefer to wait a bit longer to get the third, and I believe final, book in the Unseen Dominion series? Or would you be okay with me introducing a whole new series, of which book one is about half written? I realize this is a tough question to ask, given that you have only met half of the characters in question, but let me leave you with one final thought. I am quite sure that if you knew the terrible situations in which the new characters currently find themselves, you would be demanding that I conclude the story and liberate these pour souls, as soon as possible. ;)
Let me know what you think.