This observation got me thinking about real life. Even our small decisions can have effects that ripple throughout our lives, and the lives of those around us. Unlike editing a novel, there are no do overs. You can’t just go back and change the events to provide the desired outcome. How important it is for us to consider carefully the decisions we make. Like a pebble in a pond, once the ripples are propagating through the waters of life, corrections become much more difficult than stopping the pebble in the first place. The good news is that positive actions can ripple through our lives just as effectively.
This brings me to my purpose for posting these thoughts today. At Christmas we celebrate the single most significant source of ripples in the timeline of humanity. Our Creator, in the person of Jesus Christ, chose to step into the world as a human being, born as a baby. The infinite became finite to live as one of us. He made Himself known. Lived an unblemished life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice on our behalf. The forgiveness and grace of Jesus rippled throughout time, from the first day of creation to the coming Day of Judgment. All of our lives have been, are, and will be forever impacted by this divine pebble dropped into the pond of life.
Merry Christmas, and may your new year be filled with life-changing ripples for His glory.
‘Till next time!