I've mentioned it before, but I wanted to mention again a great website for readers. The site is called Goodreads. The site allows you to keep track of the books you've read, rate books, get suggestions for books you might like based on your ratings, and my favorite - interact with your favorite authors. You don't even have to remember another sign-in. All you have to do is use your Facebook account to login, assuming you have one. Another cool feature is that your Facebook friends will also become Goodreads friends.
You might be thinking, "why would I want another social network?" Well, unlike any other social media, Goodreads is completely oriented to readers and writers. You can see what books your friends like reading to help discover books you might like. Also, you can suggest books, like In The Image of Man, that others might like to read.
Not convinced? Let me offer one more reason to join Goodreads. If you like the ministry of Hearts of Compassion Publishing and/or enjoyed reading In The Image of Man, you can help the cause in a significant way. Here are some of the ways you can help:
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As I near the completion of Book Two of the Unseen Dominion series, becoming a Goodreads fan is a great way to stay up to date on the latest in giveaways, advanced review copies, release dates, and more.
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'Till next time.