It's strange to think, when I first started writing In The Image of Man, no one would have asked this question. The first Kindle e-reader came out in 2007 and the iPad in 2010. As hard as it is to believe, I began writing Image in 2007. Don't worry, it didn't take me seven years to write the book. In fact, I completed the first draft later that year. However, it wasn't until a year later that I discovered just how much I had to learn about the craft. The next book, which I am currently writing, will NOT take another seven years.
Anyway, I've had some fun discussions lately around the topic. Do you prefer e-books or physical books? I always thought I preferred physical books. I love the tactile feedback and the awareness of just how far I've read. However, the first time I took my Kindle on vacation with me, I was hooked. One device or several books, which would your prefer to carry around?
Well either way you like it, they're both available. Head on over to Amazon or CreateSpace and pick up your copy. But first, let me know which you prefer.