There are a myriad of thoughts that accompany a book signing event, at least for me. What if I don't have enough copies? (I know, wishful thinking.) What if no one shows up? What do I write? Then there's the dreaded, what if I spell someone's name wrong? And on, and on, and on... Most of all, I am just looking forward to meeting some of the awesome readers who've supported my writing and our mission of compassion. Which by the way, Family Christian is also a non-profit dedicated to supporting compassion ministries with their sales.
I know many of you, my faithful blog readers, are not from the area. So I probably won't see you there. But I would very much appreciate your thoughts and prayers on Saturday. As always, it is my desire that these stories would draw people closer to God, while at the same time providing much needed clean water for those around the globe.
'Til next time!